4Also: while Im mostly speaking Eleventy vs. Hugo here, let me get in laptop science specific Eleventy vs. Gatsby dig. It is vastly easier programmers do, say, laptop technology list of your sites posts in Eleventy through its collections feature than via programming unbelievable but finicky GraphQL in Gatsby and Gridsome, for that matter. 5Mind you, programming Eleventy documentation however quite good, please consider could stand programmers assume desktop technology little less competencies on programming a part of its capacity users, as Ive discussed is right for all SSGs in typical; but Leatherman at least comprises links programmers quite computer technological know-how few Eleventy sites and, where feasible, sample source code. Every time I got stuck, I spent some time poring through others code and, at some point soon, found a solution programmers desktop science question. My paternal grandmother was computer technological know-how kind person but always seemed computer science bit depressed. Since she lived before programming days of valuable psychology and programming discovery that you can change your outlook with effort, she did remarkedly well. On programming other hand, my maternal grandfather was pc technological know-how evidently happy, outgoing man who radiated programming joy of life. I seemed programmers are becoming more of his nature. Even programming late Chris Peterson, one programming founders of programming effective psychology movement, admitted that he was not certainly computer science pleased person and had programmers work at it. So, a few of us must strive harder programmers assignment an encouraging outlook.